Chinese Red Panda
- The Red River Zoo has made significant contributions to Red Panda conservation. More than 25% of Chinese Red Pandas found in Zoos across the country were born at the Red River Zoo! The Red River Zoo is known locally and globally for their success in Red Panda breeding..
What do I look like?
What do I eat?
Where do I live?
How big is my family?
How am I adapted for winter?
Did You Know?
The refulgen subspecies of Red Panda are very rare in the wild and are very difficult to breed in captivity. Mattie and the rest of the Chinese Red Pandas at the Red River Zoo are refulgens.
Chinese Red Pandas are crepuscular animals. This means they are most active at twilight, right away in the morning and right as night falls. It is not uncommon for them to nap in the afternoon.
Red Pandas have a special wrist bone that acts like a type of thumb that helps them climb high up in the forests and aids them in reaching for bamboo.
Female Red Pandas are only receptive to breeding one day out of the year and typically in the month of February.
After giving birth, a female needs to eat three times the normal quantity of bamboo to produce enough milk for her cubs.
Scientific Classification
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ailuridae
Genus: Ailurus
Species: Refulgens