Grey Wolf
- The Red River Zoo wolf pack has two adult wolves and 4 new wolf pups.
- The mother of the wolf pups was a member of our original wolf pack.
- Our Grey Wolves are in The Spirits of the Forest Grey Wolf Exhibit, which first opened in 2008.
What do I look like?
What do I eat?
Where do I live?
How big is my family?
Did You Know?
A wild wolf leads a feast or famine lifestyle; he won’t eat every day and may go several days without a meal. When a kill is made, a single wolf has been known to eat up to 22 pounds of meat in one sitting! That’s like eating more than 80 hamburgers.
Wolves’ communication and pack interactions contain some of the most intriguing forms of animal behavior. Various vocalizations, body postures, scent marking, and hunting tactics are all important for wolf pack order.
Currently, there are at least 4 different types (subspecies) of grey wolves in North America and despite their reputation as a threat to humans, there are actually very few documented attacks by wolves on humans.
Wolves hunt in packs and can catch animals much larger than they are. Wolves typically capture and kill only 5-10% of the prey they actively hunt.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: Lupus