Planned Giving
Charitable Gift Annuity
Receive lifetime payments as well as tax savings while you support your zoo. Transfer cash or securities to the Zoo, and receive fixed annuity payments for life.
Leave a lasting impact by naming the Red River Zoological Society in your will for a specific amount, a percentage of the total estate, or the residue of the estate.
Life Estate Agreement
Deed your residence to the Zoo now, enjoy an immediate income tax deduction, & continue to live at that residence for the rest of your life.
Life Insurance Policy
Donate a policy that is no longer needed for family protection or establish a new policy with the Zoo as beneficiary and deduct the annual premiums
Charitable Remainder Trust
Give a gift of cash, securities or real estate to fund a trust that provides you income and names the Red River Zoological Society as the remainder beneficiary
Retirement Plan
Designate the Zoo as beneficiary of a plan such as a 401(k) or IRA.
How to Start a Planned Gift
Sally Jacobson โย Executive Director
Red River Zoo
4255 23rd Ave S
Fargo, ND 58104