Teacher Resources
Need activities to supplement your teaching?
Let the Red River Zoo be your scientific resource!
Let the Red River Zoo be your scientific resource!
The Red River Zoo provides a variety of educational opportunities and programs for educators and students of all grade levels. These high quality, hands-on curriculum-based activities are excellent resources designed to assist educators and supplement lesson plans. Scientific concepts range from basic animal information to using scientific procedures to do scientific inquiry about our natural world. We can adapt any program to meet your educational needs. Thank you for considering the Zoo as a way to enrich you students’ learning experiences!
We can prepare a box of resources that teachers can use to enhance their classroom curriculum. Resources include puppets, subject-specific books, posters, furs, feathers, skulls, sheets and videos.
- For teachers and informal educators
- Pick up in the admissions building after reservation is made
- Available year-round They can be loaned out for one week at a time
- Edu-boxes are FREE with a $20 refundable deposit (shipping or delivering a box to your location requires additional fees). Please reserve your box at least one week in advance.
Field Trips
Provide your students with an opportunity to see exotic wildlife in natural habitat exhibits – bring them to the Red River Zoo! Our outdoor exhibits feature animals and plants from Asia and the North American Great Plains.
- For students and educators of all ages
- Offered year-round. Contact us to arrange a date and time.
- Admission fees apply. For groups of 10 or more, students receive $1 off admission. One teacher per 10 students is free.
Please contact us with any questions about our resources at 701.277.9240 or [email protected]